bolt wall
Fine motor game related to spatial orientation. The children place the bolts in the holes and turn the correct nut on the bolt at the back according to the accompanying assignment cards (print, cut and laminate yourself). An additional difficulty for this game are the different thicknesses of the holes, nuts and bolts. Differentiation is integrated.
Package 1
game board (afm. 26 x 31 x 10 cm)
15 bolts (different thickness)
15 nuts (different thickness)
15 Job Tickets - Differentiation (Forwarded in PDF)
Package 2
game board (dim. 26 x 31 x 10 cm)
Package 3
15 bolts (different thickness)
15 nuts (different thickness)
Package 4
15 Job Tickets - Differentiation (Forwarded in PDF)

bolt wall