Sorting mail - small
Theme lid (sorting mail) for use on the well-known small Trofast containers from Ikea. Various game formats possible with the accompanying assignment cards and letter cards:
- sorting covers with letters and words.
- covers with numbers and dice numbers.
- covers with colors, shapes and hearts.
- sort rhyming words (e.g. hand and basket).
- Scan the QR code to know which envelopes should go in the letterboxes.
This lid is tailor-made for the small troaf containers from Ikea. Combination with the divider - 6 compartments - small is possible here.
1 theme lid - sorting mail - small (small Trofast - Ikea) (dimensions: 27.5 x 18.5 x 0.7 cm)
assignment cards (QR code) (forwarded in PDF)
letter cards (forwarded in PDF)
postcards (forwarded in PDF)

Sorting mail - small